sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

Welcome to Mildred's Bolg
Me at home

Welcome to my blog, here you will check my profile.

On a regular day I wake up at 5:00 am; I take a shower and I take brakefast.

Edith, Melendez, Gachus and Josue

My friends and I are going to my house, and here we do homewok and eating piza, tacos, hamburger, hot dog, etc...

They are fantasitic!!!

because they are funny, lazy, sutupid....

I have been to Pachuca Hidalgo and Chipancingo Guerrero I like visiting diferent places. I like playing soccer, volleyballl and bascketball.

I study gastronomy on Saturdays.
Last week there was a baking contest and won third place.

Also study the career of construction in 11 CECyT